Sunday, February 12, 2012


Once upon a time I was a writer, maybe not a good one, but a writer, nonetheless.  I wrote poems.  I wrote letters.  I wrote book reports. I wrote in a journal.  I wrote stories.  I loved writing.  Then, life changed.  The friends I was writing letters to came home.  I was no longer in school so reports weren't required anymore.  I didn't make time for poems and stories to be created.  My writing consisted of a few e-mails here and there and that was about it.  I was a faithful journal writer.  I have a number of journals that I filled with teenage angst.  That has slipped too.

Some years ago I discovered blogging.  I started one about my family.  I wanted a way for my extended family and those members who didn't live close, to see what we were up to.  Shortly after, I started a second blog where I could write more about my thoughts and feelings, my personal blog (this blog).

How did I let this happen?  Like I said, much of it was let go when I was no longer in school.  Even writign I did for fun, I quit.  When I got married and began having children they took much of my time and energy.

Lately I've been realizing how much I have missed writing.  I have whole discussions in my head.  Whole papers are narrated in my mind.  I never get the words written down, though.  That needs to change.

My oldest girls are at an age where they are learning to write.  They are learning to narrate stories back to me, and to make up their own stories.  It is so fun to watch them!  I love reading about their imaginary adventures.  It is so interesting to read about how they see the world.  I've been reminded of the joy of a story coming together on the paper in front of me.

I've also been reminded of the importance of writing down thoughts and stories for my kids and future grandkids to read years down the road.  History is simply one big story and I want my part of it to be recorded.  I will write again.  Now, what do I write about?