Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Decision To Be a Stay-At-Home Mom

When I got married both my husband and I knew that once children came along I would be staying home. We both felt that our children would benefit more from having me home than from any extra income that I might bring in. So, as the time got closer to when I due with my first child, I put in my 2 weeks notice and began preparing to be a full time mommy. I remember only bits and pieces of those early days even though they weren't that long ago. I remember my mom came to stay with me for a week. I remember wanting to cry as she left, and then crying after she was gone. I remember the first time I left her for longer than an hour. My sister-in-law watched he while I took my husband to see his all-time favorite country singer in concert. I hadn't quite left her with enough milk and my baby cried for about an hour before we got back. We can laugh about it now, but it was hard to leave her with someone else.

The next time I left her she was a little older, but I decided to help out at the bookstore that I used to work at from Thanksgiving to Christmas. The little bit of extra money was nice, especially around the holidays. Another sister-in-law watched her during that time if Robert was at class or working. I worked during the holiday season for 3 years in a row and while I enjoyed it, I did not enjoy having to find someone to watch the kids, even if it was family. I mean, I know that my kids had a blast playing with their cousins and I don't think my sister-in-law minded, but it was hard to leave them. I ran into the same thing with my own personal business. I am a Mary Kay consultant. I love Mary Kay, I love the products and I love the wonderful people that I've met doing this, but I don't love having to find someone to watch my kids.

You see, I've always wanted to be a mom. In school when I said I wanted to be a teacher, or the one year I said I wanted to be a doctor, really, I just wanted to be a mom. I learned at church that the most important thing I can do in life is be a good mom to my kids. Before we got married my husband and I talked about what would happen when we had children and we both decided that I would stay home. I'm so glad that we were in agreement about that.

I love being a stay-at-home mommy. Has it been hard? You bet. Is it worth it, though? You bet! The hardest was probably after I had my second child. I got postpartum depression, but I didn't realize that is what was going on. I remember crying a lot. I also remember sitting out on my porch and doing a lot of visiting with my neighbors and that helped a lot. Even during that time I never regretted staying home. Sometimes I missed visiting with everyone I would meet at the bookstore, but they couldn't give me the hugs or kisses that I received from my children. Now I don't miss it at all. I still get breaks from my mommy responsibilities every once in a while. There will be a ladies activity at church or my husband will give me the day to go to town and get our errands run. Anything longer than just a few hours, though, and I miss my family.

My kids are still small so most of the struggles I've faced so far have been the potty training, pick up your toys kind. I'm sure as they get older that will change, but I wouldn't want to miss this for anything in the world.

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