Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Review

I had one goal this past year, to simplify my life.  I think I did well in some areas, and not so good in others.  On another blog instead of defining new goals, she looked at the things she did get done this past year.  I like that idea, so, here's some of what I did:

I did clear out a bunch of "stuff" from my house.  I went through our books and purged the ones that I felt were less needed and filled the shelves with more substantial reading, including children's stories.  I also went through my clothes and some of the kids clothes.  We have gotten rid of more toys than we have accumulated this past year which is also good.

I gained a new appreciation for single moms and learned I can make it on my own when my husband has to travel for a week or two at a time.

We still had family scripture study and family prayer while husband was gone.

I learned how to split wood. 

I extended the life of many of my girls pairs of pants and shirts by turning them into skirts and dresses.  I also patched many of my son's pants and made the patches look cool.

I read a number of "classic" books that were on my to-read list.

I don't know what the New Year will bring, but I hope to keep on improving in all areas.  I think that is my all time goal and doesn't just go from January to December.  Of course, the specifics will change, as will the focus, at different times.  I just want to end 2012 a better person than when I started.