Thursday, April 30, 2009

School is (almost) Out

Taylor has only 2 weeks left of school! I can't wait to have her home with me all the time. At the beginning of the school year I was so excited to have her go off to school and only have 2 kids to worry about watching, but as the school year went on I realized it wasn't as great as I thought it was going to be. Now I had to worry about getting home before the bus. I had to schedule appointments around school schedules. We had to get up early during the week to get Taylor on the bus. Then there are all the papers that she brings home, precious treasures that she can't bear to part with (that secretly disappear when she isn't looking). On top of that, being gone all day has been hard on Taylor. She really misses us when she is gone all day and becomes very clingy and tired early in the evening. Yes, I can't wait until school is out. Taylor is such a great helper and big sister that we are all really looking forward to having her home with us again (and sleeping in everyday since we won't have to worry about catching the bus).

1 comment:

Katrina Wilson said...

yeah!! and then we can have a sleep over when school is out!!!