Monday, June 8, 2009


So, I have this list of things I want to do on the side of my blog. I've gotten a few things done, but really, the list has not changed in a while. I was thinking I could mark done planting a garden since I do have somethings out, but I don't have everything out. I do have a garden planted, it's just not a complete garden. This is one of those questions of how honest do I want to be with myself? I haven't marked it done yet because even though I really want to, I also have a tomato jungle on my table reminding me that they need to get outside before I can say that I'm done with the planting. Our garden won't be as big this year as we wanted it to be, but it's bigger than it was last year. I guess it is something we will just have to work up to. So, here's to fresh veggies and a healthier lifestyle.

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