Saturday, October 10, 2009

Go Me!

Life has been busy around here. I am just trying to get things ready for whatever, but starting is hard to do sometimes. One of the lessons I am working on is that I don't have to have everything ready right now. I can work on one thing at a time and progress, not perfection, is my goal right now. That being said, I am losing weight! I have been walking a few days with a friend and now that it is getting colder a group of moms I know are all getting together to exercise in mornings. Our kids all play together while we work out. This is good for me in so many ways. First off, I will be in better shape physically. Exercise also helps you feel better emotionally, a very good thing since winter is coming. I will also get to get out of my house and socialize with other moms. That is also something I need.

A journey begins with a single step and I am ready to step on the way to becoming a better me.