Monday, July 26, 2010

stress-free zone

We finally have our desktop computer back. I have really missed it. My pictures go up so much easier and it is more comfortable for me to type at. It also has more of an "office" feel to it, which can be nice. So, now I'm catching up on things. I put all of my pictures off my camera onto the the computer. I am in the process of adding them to blog posts. I am also catching up on other things online since our lap top decided to have issues with me.

So, what have I been up to? Well, besides all the family camping and stuff, not much. I've been thinking lately about the way some people react to stress. I know some people who just face it head on and work their way through it. I know others who would like to ignore it and pretend that everything is normal, there's no stress, and still others who run and hide. I am somewhere between the ignoring and running and hiding variety. I know that the best way to get through something difficult is to just face it and get it over with, but that doesn't always make it easier. When I am faced with something unpleasant my first thought is "where can I hide so I don't have to deal with this?" Depending on the task I can quickly talk myself into just getting it over with, or I do "hide" by playing computer games or getting absorbed into a book. In the end, though, both of those things end. A game doesn't last forever and I've yet to find a never ending book, so I'm back facing the real world. Sometimes my respite is enough for me to put things in perspective, but most times all it did was delay the inevitable.

I'm sure knowing all this will help me someday, but all the knowing in the world does no good unless it is put into action.

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