Sunday, November 14, 2010


Change is hard, even when it is good, or maybe especially when it is good. I had a few days a while ago when I really loved cleaning my house. I found joy in vacuuming and washing dishes, happiness in sweeping and folding laundry. For about 2 weeks I regularly got up early and took the dogs out for a walk/jog. I was feeling more energetic, happier and stronger, then life happens. Kids get sick, I get sick, we go out of town for the weekend and schedules get messed up. Daylight Savings time ends! Once again, I am back to my old ways. See, the thing is, the changes I was making really weren't harder to do, and they actually made me feel a whole lot better, but the hard part was mental. It was fixing my thinking and just doing. I think that 90% of the battle is just getting started, to just move! Why is it so hard to change course, though. Why is it so hard to head to the kitchen sink instead of the bookshelf, or to load the laundry instead of just shoving it into a basket? Does 20 minutes of laying in bed awake, not getting up and making me more tired really better than just getting up and walking the dog? No, but it's the getting started. So, here is to getting started!

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