Saturday, November 13, 2010

Unexpected Blessings

Our Heavenly Father is generous and good. A few weeks ago we had a large bill come due and needed some money quickly. There was no truly easy way to come up with that amount, so we sold our piano. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done, I loved my piano. I loved how pretty it was, I loved sitting at it and hearing the notes come to life under my fingers, I love having the kids plunk out notes and discovering the wonderful world of music. I love how pretty it was mostly, though. I was a little bit prideful about my piano. I felt like it had almost become an idol in my house and I needed to prove my Heavenly Father and myself that the piano was not more important to me than my family or anything else. Now, we sold it to my brother, so it is still in the family and I can go visit it anytime I want, but it is his now, not mine.

I knew we would get another piano someday. I figured it would be a couple of years down the road, but we would get another piano. Well, I went to pick Taylor up from a friend's birthday party and the mom, out of nowhere, asked me if I wanted her piano. She had heard from another friend about my other piano and how sad I was and she had a piano that she was just using for decoration and didn't want in her house anymore, so would I like it? The piano is out of tune, missing a wheel and has a broken hammer, but other than that, it is great. It has all the same keys and will play all the same songs. Robert and one of his friends moved it in last night. It is so nice to hear the sounds of music in our house again.

1 comment:

Katrina Wilson said...

That is way awesome! I'm glad that you recieved almost an instant blessing for your sacrafice!!