Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday’s Miracles

I haven’t done these for a while, but I thought I should do them again.

1.  Grass.  I know I complain about mowing it and watering it, but I sure do enjoy having it.  It wasn’t that long ago that I didn’t have grass around my house and I still remember how hot, muddy, and drab my house looked.  I love being able to walk through the soft grass and the nice look of the mowed yard.

2.  Swimming Pools.  With the weather being so hot, it sure is nice to go swimming.

3.  Popsicles.  Cold, sweet yummyness

4.  Buttons.  Have you really thought about everything a button can do and be?  It holds our clothes together, it looks cute in the middle of a flower bow, you can make jewelry out of them…

5.  Bountiful Baskets.  I’ve tried so many new fruits and vegetable through participating, and I love how much I get in my basket.  It definitely supports my endeavors to eat healthier.

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