Monday, February 9, 2009


WANTED: A best friend. Someone that I can call whenever for whatever. Someone to vent to, laugh with, cry with and just chat with. Someone who will let me stop in when I need to get out of the house with or without kids. The person that I call when I'm so sick and I can't take care of my kids and they will help me out. Also, someone who will let me do the same for them. Someone who will just stop by just because. Someone to call me just to chat, vent, or whatever. Would prefer that they lived semi-close.


Rose said...

You and me both hun.

Katrina Wilson said...

Hey its not my fault you moved!!!

~*The Brauburger Chocolate Clan & Polly Pug*~ said...

Awww Tasha my dear. I thought we were doing so good with that....till I had to get a job and then I don't get to do much of that anymore. What shall we do about it?