Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I Should Be a Writer

Really, I should. All day long I have these words running through my head. I will compose a full article on a topic in my head. Why then is it so long between blogs? Well, I find it very difficult to type while holding one or more children. I'm lucky right now because no one is on my lap. I wish I wrote more. I need to find a way to get all of these words out of my head and written down somewhere, if for no other reason than they are cluttering up my brain and making it hard for me to think of anything else. Well, the baby is waking and once again I will have a child in arms. Have a good day everyone.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I completely understand about all the words going through your head. I have the same issue going on over here. I have a half written novel, my blog, and a couple of children's books. So I decided that I needed to make some time.
I have divided my schedule (with the help of Managers of their Home - Scheduling. www.titus2.com) in order to allow some writing time. It usually comes first thing in the morning before kids are awake, at nap time or after the kids are in bed. But I really recommend the Managers of their ..... series. They help stay-at-home moms of any size family be creative and have fun accomplishing the daily tasks.