Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 8


  1. The dark.  I’ve never quite gotten over my childhood fear
  2. Of losing one of my children
  3. Of hurting someones feelings
  4. Of snakes and spiders, but I put up a good front for the kids.
  5. I’m afraid of becoming a young widow
  6. Bridges, especially really high ones or those going over large bodies of water (Coranado Bridge)
  7. Tied into being afraid of bridges is my fear of heights
  8. Failing

1 comment:

*ehu. said...

I like the lil San Diego reference! Yeah, that can be a terrifying bridge. I enjoy the view, but I'm not exactly pleased when traffic gets backed up on there. No bueno!!

I use to be afraid of the dark, but my brother use to tell me, "Just close your eyes, it'll be the same difference." which helped. But then again, having to be a completely dark room to load film to a reel has helped tremendously.

I like #4. I always wondered how Mom's did it :)