Monday, January 4, 2010


I guess it's that time of year when we tend to reflect on what we've done and what we want to do. I posted some goals this past year and I'm happy to say that most of them got accomplished. Not only one room got painted, but 3 this past year. I got Michael's baby blanket done. My sister helped me with Rachel's. I haven't gotten her name on it, but she is able to use it and cuddle with it. I managed to get a garden in and I harvested an eggplant. It might not have been as good a garden as I wanted, but it was better than last year and I know that next year will be even better. I misjudged the amount of squares needed for the curtains in my kitchen, so I have one curtain done and need to make another one. But I did make some good progress on it. As my finishing my hooded sweater, well, I'm not sure I want to do that one anymore. Part of me wants to take it apart and find another use for the yarn. I guess that is why I haven't finished that one. As for my coffee table, well, I need some help with that one and I haven't found a time to get the help I need. It will be on this coming years list again, I think.

All in all, I feel pretty good about what I got done this past year. Along with those goals that I did finish, I also had a baby, did a bunch of miscelaneous sewing projects, read some books, planted some bulbs so I can have pretty flowers in the spring. We also planted a bunch of grass this summer, which means mowing the yard, and taking care of our fruit trees.

I heard a story about a woman who wrote up her New Year's Resolutions and within about 3 weeks had broken all of them, so then she tore those up and came up with some new ones. They included forgiving her children when they drive her up a wall and hoping that her children will do the same for her, not gaining 20 lbs during the year, and recoginizing the progress that she does make. I like that, especially the last one. So many times I get caught up in what I haven't done that I forget all of the good things that I have done. I had the opportunity to get some counseling this summer and one of the exercises that I was challenged to do was everytime I found myself telling myself that I was a nobody that I was to counter that with 4 reasons why that wasn't true. Maybe I do have dirty dishes in the sink, but it's because I cooked a healthy meal that nourished my family. Not everyone may like me, but I do have friends who love me and confide in me. If they feel safe around me then obviously I'm not a nobody.

We all have many things to be greatful for and many talents that make us who we are. All I can do is strive each day to be the best I can.


Gallup Family said...

Thanks for this post :) This past month has been such a struggle for me feeling like an utter and complete failure so I tried your 4 reason thing and it cheered me up a bit. My biggest thing is that I'm so exhausted and grumpy by the end of the day...but I guess that just means I played hard with my kids and was a good (enough) mommy that day that I used all my energy :) As for making resolutions...I think I'll make February or March ones...not necessarily January ones. Thanks again.

Katrina Wilson said...

what are you doing to your coffee table?