Wednesday, March 25, 2009

With life being crazy like it has been I've been neglecting a few things, like getting online and writing. Normally this is something I enjoy doing, but some things needed to wait, so now maybe I'm back. I am still having problems with kidney stones. Let me tell you, that is one pain that I wouldn't wish on anyone. It shouldn't last forever, though and then I will be back up and running again. I am grateful that little Rachel is such a good baby. She sleeps pretty well at night. When she wakes up, she eats and then goes back to sleep. I couldn't care less if she woke up 5 times to eat as long as she went back to sleep. She actually wakes up about 3 times. The other kids just love her and are very attentive when she is awake. They get concerned if she starts crying and try to help her feel better. Taylor talks to her and reads to her. Lindsey loves to pet her head and look at her. Michael also loves to look at her. She was on my bed and I had to go to the bathroom. Well, she started crying and when I came out of the bathroom, Michael was sitting right by her talking to her. It was the cutest the thing. He is really soft with her, now if he would be so soft to the animals.

You know, life would be just about perfect if it wasn't for this kidney stone. My recovery from labor has gone really well. I've hardly had much bleeding, I'm not incredibly sore, I actually feel really good. The kids are great, the baby is great, Robert is great, and then I have a kidney stone. Maybe my life was just too great and I needed a little more adversity, I don't know. Well, I better get back to being mommy.

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